Group Facilitation

Whether its a team day, leaders retreat, board development or strategy & planning meeting, bringing your people together for offsite occasions is an important part of enabling your organisation to think well.

The feedback I receive from facilitating such events is that people find a deeper connection with colleagues and the organisation, they have a better understanding of organisational objectives and feel they've had the opportunity to be heard.

Recent Facilitation Work

  • Board day with a new business where we took a creative look at roles and responsibilities of board members and built a clear picture of what an outstanding board would look like.


    "I just wish you could have been a fly on the wall at the next board meeting, the atmosphere was totally different to before"

  • Partner board away day with 16 NHS partners in a Primary Care Network (NHS). This included some personality test work and some highly participatory and visual exercises which enabled the group to review and celebrate progress and begin to visualise the future.


    "This was so much more than we expected, it really brought people together and helped us recognise how far we've come. When we saw our progress represented so visually it helped us to feel that the next steps are achievable."


  • I'll work with you to understand the objectives for the day.

  • I'll develop a range of options and talk them through with you.

  • We'll agree together the agenda for the day.

  • I'll gather the resources and prepare the day.

  • I facilitate your event

  • We gather feedback in an agreed way


Depending on the needs of your team and your budget I often work with a co-facilitator, this helps with the smooth-running of the event and adds valuable insight and creativity.

Above all I try to make these events enjoyable, no-one wants to spend all day watching power point slides or doing things they could adequately do at home. These days are about connection, creativity and elevating your thinking by engaging with the whole environment in fresh ways.