Gary Bishop

Hi there,

Thanks for coming onto the site, I hope you find what you’re looking for. 

I’m Gary, I’m married to Hannah and we live in a fantastic city on the South Coast of England called Brighton with our 3 children. I’ve been leading teams, projects and organisations for over 30 years, starting out in industry then community work in Brighton before moving to Manchester where we lived and worked in one of Britain’s toughest neighbourhoods building community and initiating change for 12 years..

In 2010 Hannah and I founded a charity called Justlife and having built that from scratch, 6 years later we helped to create a healthcare company called Arch Healthcare where I am currently CEO.

I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed, to feel vulnerable and to crave growth as a leader. As a coach it is my absolute joy to step into that space with talented people as they take on new roles and responsibilities and begin to achieve things which they never thought possible.

 “Gary's authenticity and challenge will help you to develop your leadership to the next level.”

Dr A. Jones

What People Are Saying

“It has turned out to be quite a soul opening journey, where my “business” has been the frontstory but my personality has been the backstory. As we’ve worked through some of the struggles I’ve faced, and shared the wins, I’ve found aspects of my character and personality become revealed, that directly impact how I go about…fumbling along. Gary listens and cuts through the noise, my noise, and helps me see more clearly what’s so often right in front of me. As a result of our monthly sessions, I have grown. I have become more self aware. And I find that I can apply the learned strategies and behaviours to new challenges. Gary has a gift for this stuff.”

John Clark - Business Owner, Ancoats Bag Company

“As a leader of the organisation, in my first CEO role, I have found the coaching sessions invaluable in providing a safe “external space” to pause, reflect and consider next steps. This has helped me in both finding ways to solve immediate challenges and also working through identified priorities or areas of development as key themes throughout the year. This has been a huge benefit to me in my personal role development journey but also, I am sure, to our organisation.”

Dr Sarah Styles (GP), CEO Inclusion Health


“Gary exemplifies the authenticity and expertise that twenty-first century leaders require. In times of change, we all need a coach who can help us find our way, enabling us to navigate complexity and opportunity with clarity and creativity. If that’s what you’re looking for, look no further.”

Dr Russell Rook OBE, Good Faith Partnership


“He has the ability to explore personal traits and characteristics and gently challenge preconceived ideas. [through the coaching] I was able to build confidence in my ability to lead with authenticity”

Dr. Julian Greaves, Senior Partner / PCN Director


“Gary is an innovator and has a track record of initiating and then leading organisations effectively giving him a leadership authenticity and wealth of experience to draw from that will both inspire and resource you.”

Dr Alastair Jones, Director, Cadence Leadership

“Gary is a an amazing mix of insightful and thoughtful, of direct and driven and reflective and human. He's a great listener and is able to create space for people to work through challenges with insightful prods and generous support. He's the kind of person that people want to be around.”

Jake Hayman


“From the coaching space came all the things that I didn’t know I needed to talk about and all the actions I didn’t know I needed to take”

Dr Craig Milne, GP Partner / PCN Clincal Lead


“Gary is an excellent leader and coach because he naturally and effectively brings together simple but profoundly important complementary traits. He is a compelling communicator and a good listener, he is a thinker and a do-er, he is a learner from others and a creator of new things, and he’s compassionate and bold.”

Steve Coles, Non-Executive Director, Compass Wellbeing CIC

The point is not to become a leader. The point is to become yourself completely .

Warren Bennis